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Bible Reading / More Than Money

Day 5 | Prioritizing God over possessions

Read: Mark 10:17-31John 3:1-17Luke 19:1-10Luke 18:18-23Jeremiah 17:10 

Despite following the rules and even tithing, the rich young ruler struggled to put God first in his heart. His story teaches us that giving is not just about doing the right things; it's about where our heart truly lies.  

Jesus wants us to prioritize him above everything else, including our possessions. It's essential to recognize that God sees beyond our outward actions; he knows the inner motives of our hearts. Merely going through the motions of religious duties, including tithing, isn't enough if our hearts are not fully surrendered to God.  

Jesus wants us to have a genuine, wholehearted commitment to him, where he reigns supreme in our lives. So, let's examine our hearts and ensure that our devotion to God goes beyond superficial acts, allowing him to change our lives from the inside out. 

Pray: Lord, thank you for teaching me through your word. Examine my heart and search for any secret motives that are not pleasing to you. Help me to submit myself to your authority every day. I desire to serve one master, and that is you, Lord! Without faith, it’s impossible to please you. Strengthen my faith and continue to work in my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 
